How do I use FSIPath?

Note   This is especially important if you use Documanage with Documaker Desktop (PPS).

When you set the FSIPath environment variable, it affects the actual path for every INI option that points to a relative path. For example, if

< Config:SAMPCO >
      Deflib = .\deflib\
< MasterResource >
      DefLib = [CONFIG:SAMPCO] DefLib =

is defined in the FSIUSER.INI file and FSIPath is set to d:\arcview, the actual path for DefLib will be:


This may produce the wrong path, especially if you are using multiple master resource libraries. The solution is to specify an absolute path in the INI files. For example, if

< Config:SAMPCO >
      Deflib = d:\fap\mstrres\sampco\deflib\
< MasterResource >
      DefLib = [CONFIG:SAMPCO ] DefLib =

is defined in the FSIUSER.INI file and the FSIPath environment variable is set to d:\arcview, the actual path for DefLib will still be
